Hello There!

I’m Charlie DeZube

At WealthBiscuit, my primary focus is teaching others how to utilize niche-specific AI to create more time in their day and educate them about profitable side hustles (which I consider gold mines). With the knowledge you gain from my website, I guarantee there will be at least one valuable takeaway for you.

About Charlie DeZube

Owner of WealthBiscuit Charlie DeZube Face Shot scaled e1690677667493 712x1024 -

So, here’s what you should know about me.

I’m Charlie, the creator of WealthBiscuit. Notably, I am more than just an online publisher. I am also an accountant, a former growth marketer, and an app/software developer.

By leveraging my experience in fields such as accounting, marketing, and tech-oriented side hustles, I offer high-quality information on generating secondary income and utilizing tools that’ll save you time. My aim is to help everyday people break free from the traditional 9-5 grind.

Apart from being a 19-year-old living in Kansas, I am currently in my second year at Kansas State University, pursuing a degree in finance with a concentration in computer science and marketing technologies.

I’ve always been a go-getter. Despite having main gigs, I enjoy exploring new ventures on the side, and I’ve even achieved success in many of them.

Here’s why I started WealthBiscuit: I recognized the need for truthful ways to make money online. I provide AI tools because they can be used to save you a ton of time ultimately saving you a ton of money. Also, I provide side hustles (that are rarely talked about)

I can make you this one promise: Reading at least one article will provide you with at least one valuable takeaway.

Fun facts about Charlie:

  • I love playing golf in my free time (I’m not lying, I take every chance I get to go out to the range or course to play).
  • Learning about finance has been a passion of mine, leading me to become a proficient accountant specializing in policies at Americo.
  • I’ve been featured in a MarketWatch press release, where they described me as a “student with plans to change the game in the modern money-making sector.”
  • Throughout my life, people have often told me something along the lines of, “You get so excited when you have an opportunity to help,” which explains my enthusiasm when discussing new ways to make money and AI that’ll save you time in the day.
  • I have two older brothers, one specializing in the private equity industry, and the other in the innovation sector. As the youngest of three boys, I apologize to mom for that!
  • Quick Fact: I enjoy being proactive and going to the gym to improve myself every day!

What is the Point of WealthBiscuit?

Let me get this straight: I am not your typical ‘make money online’ or ‘personal finance expert’ website.

I’m here to provide you with cold, hard facts based on my first-hand experiences in life. Rest assured, I won’t provide you with anything I don’t believe to be true myself.

Let’s get a bit more personal now. Come in an listen close:

I genuinely care about my audience. In fact, I went the extra mile to assist a financially struggling Uber driver by sharing one of my secrets to generate an additional source of passive income. The Uber driver’s situation was challenging—his wife had left him, he was trying to support his own kids, and he was determined to better himself.

What I did to help this guy out: I shared with him the gold mine within reselling aged domains (which happened to be the first lucrative side hustle I discovered) and guided him on how to do it. Also, I snagged his number if he ever wanted to reach out about anything

The Result: He texted me a few months later to show me that he flipped a domain and made $2000!

Now I promise I don’t mean to boast, but that experience truly made me feel good. Since then, it felt like destiny for me to share my knowledge with the world, even if it means helping just one person.

By the way, did I mention that I truly care about my audience?

Previous Experience & Future Plans

Growing up, I’ve always enjoyed pursuing some activity aside from my main one’s.

I played baseball and football throughout my life until I left for college. Keep in mind, these sports took up all my time on the side before college.

Once I got to college, I had my academic responsibilities (of course), but I thought to myself, “Man, I really want to do something.” Now, I don’t mean “do something” by neglecting my studies; I meant starting something new that I could be truly passionate about.

I couldn’t shake the desire to do something on the side, but during the first semester, I only focused on school.

After that came winter break and I had to get a microdiscectomy.

To add some context, I had a herniated disc (in my L4/L5 region of my lower lumbar and It sucked) for a couple years by this point, and because of that, I had to get a microdiscectomy.

After I got the surgery, I had to stay in a chair for about a month and by then end of the that month I came up with the idea of WealthBiscuit.

WealthBiscuit’s gone through some changes when I first started it, but those were made for in order to ensure user satisfaction.

I want to continue what I’ve been doing with WealthBiscuit. I’ve enjoyed so far and many people who visit the site have given me some good feedback which inspires me to continue.

Anyway, in the long run, I plan on making WealthBiscuit as helpful as possible to the everyday person, and once again, I promise you’ll take away at least one valuable lesson from my site.

Posts I’ve written

If you’d like to see an example of my writing, I have included some of my recent articles below:

Where You Can Find Me